The following bio is taken from his own words:
Daniel I. Russell was born near Wigan in 1980 and has soiled various
anthologies, magazines and ezines such as Dead West, Midnight Echo and
Pseudopod. His newest novel, The Collector: Mana Leak
(Dark Continents Publishing), is released today (1 May 2012). Daniel was also on
the cover of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #43, and has
released the novel Samhane (Stygian Publications) and novella Come Into Darkness (Skullvines Press). He is Vice President of
the Australian Horror Writers' Association, the associate editor for
the Necrotic Tissue print magazine and lives in Western Australia with
his partner and three children. Daniel is represented in Europe by
Michael Preissl Literary Agency.
Welcome Daniel to the judging panel, alongside
- IFWG Chief Editor and author and contest coordinator, Gerry Huntman
- IFWG Public Relations and author, Esme Carpenter
- IFWG Submissions Editor and author, Warren Goodwin
The web page will change on that day.