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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Kings of Under-Castle Facebook Page

Just a quick notification to one and all that our author, Michael B Fletcher, has just created a Facebook title page, Kings of Under-Castle, to support his anthology of the same name. He plans to use it for giveaways, discussions, and most intriguing, some interesting tidbits that will only appear in that forum.

Come one, come all, and 'like' his page: Kings of Under-Castle

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Message from the Editor, January 2013

Last month I outlined the year that was, and prior to that I presented a comprehensive list of products coming in the next several months - appropriate I think, because this newsletter falls smack bang in the holiday season. So for this editorial I will make this brief.

Even though I have enjoyed the company of my family and festive dining and presents, I can't forget how lucky I am, and mindful of those less fortunate. I also have a memory of something dreadful that happened not too long ago - the awful shooting in Connecticut. It is so much more poignant for me given that I have a seven year old daughter - and she is autistic, like at least one of the children who were killed. This is not a sour note for the New Year - it is a reminder that, regardless of political and religious persuasion, we can't forget that the Christmas period is a time to convey goodwill to one and all. New Year is also an opportunity to formulate resolutions for change, and I hope that in this tumultuous world, changes for the good of all are made.

Speculative fiction, including much of children's literature, places the human condition under the microscope, and I certainly hope that we, IFWG Publishing, will be able to contribute new titles that will enable people to think, as well as being entertaining. That's my New Year's Resolution.

What's yours?

Gerry Huntman
Chief Editor, IFWG Publishing