It isn't breaking news that IFWG Publishing has been in a bit of a hiatus over recent months. This is the classic issue that any small publisher faces - when there are a few critical people, if they are out of action, then, well, nothing much happens. The good news is that all key personnel are back on deck, and the ship is being rounded to its designated course. Sail ho!
We have some important tasks to take care of first, related to better reporting and royalty payment infrastructure - stay tuned on this. Immediately following that we are tackling our very significant backlog of titles. First cab off that rank is getting our ebooks that don't have print versions, onto trade paperback. Some are long overdue. Following that we have some fantastic titles that are eagerly awaiting release. We will shortly do a bit of pre-publishing marketing as they deserve it. Finally, we will catch up on the remainder of 2013's releases.
Needless to say we will be busy. Good busy, however.
Gerry Huntman
Chief Editor
IFWG Publishing